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60 年代末から70 年代の日本に現れた美術動向「もの派」の代表的作家として知られる菅木志雄。その特長は、石や木、金属など日常的な素材を、並べる、曲げる、組み合わせる等、シンプルな行為により表現し、場所や人との関係性を見い出していこうとするものです。本書は、故郷・岩手での大規模個展にあわせ刊行され、インスタレーション、レリーフ、ドローイング、写真、アクティヴェイション、など多岐にわたる作品群から半世紀にわたる制作活動を振り返る作品110 点超を収録。2 本の論考に加え、菅の最新インタビューも収録。
1944年、岩手県盛岡市生まれ。静岡県在住。1968 年多摩美術大学絵画科卒業。1968 年の初個展以降、国内外問わず個展、グループ展に数多く出展。近年の大規模な展覧会として、2016 年イタリア・ミラノでの展覧会、イギリス・スコットランド国立近代美術館での二人展、アメリカ・ニューヨークでの個展と、欧米の美術館において連続して展覧会を開催。国内では、2014 年- 2015 年ヴァンジ彫刻庭園美術館「菅木志雄展」、2015 年東京都現代美術館「菅木志雄 置かれた潜在性」と、2 つの個展が同時期に開催され大きな話題を集めた。作品は国際的にも高い評価を受けており、国内外幾多もの美術館に収蔵。
菅木志雄展 〈もの〉の存在と〈場〉の永遠
ISBN978-4-908062-39-1 C0070
Kishio Suga is known as a representative artist of the Mono-ha art movement that emerged in Japan from the late 1960s to the 1970s. Suga’s work is characterized by the simple act of aligning, bending, and combining everyday materials such as stone, wood, and metal while attempting to explore their relationship with sites and people. This book, published to coincide with Suga’s major solo exhibition at his hometown Iwate, contains more than 110 works in a wide range of media, including installation, relief, drawing, photography, and activation, reflecting on his artistic practice over the past half-century. In addition to the 2 essays, this book includes a recent interview with the artist.
This book is a comprehensive overview of the work of Kishio Suga, who has fundamentally reexamined the nature of conventional art by taking away preconceived notions and delving into the essence of “things” and “sites” based on his singular philosophy.
Where there is a thing, there is inevitably a site. I believed that a work could not take shape if either of them were missing. The reality of “things” was the reality of “sites”.
—Kishio Suga
Kishio Suga
Kishio Suga was born in Morioka, Iwate Prefecture in 1944. He currently lives and works in Shizuoka Prefecture. Suga graduated from Tama Art University in 1968 with a degree in painting. Since his first solo exhibition in 1968, he has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions in and out of Japan. In recent years, he has held a series of large-scale exhibitions in museums in Europe and the United States, including an exhibition in Milan, Italy in 2017, a two-person exhibition at the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, UK, and a solo exhibition in New York, USA. In Japan, two solo exhibitions, “Kishio Suga” at Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum in 2014-2015 and “Kishio Suga: Situated Latency” at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo in 2015, were held at the same time, which attracted a lot of attention. His works have received high international acclaim and are included in many institutional collections around the world.
Kishio Suga: The Existence of “Things” and the Eternity of “Site”
Saturday, 18 December 2021 – Sunday, 20 February 2022
Venue: Iwate Museum of Art (12-3, Matsuhaba, Motomiya, Morioka, Iwate 020-0866 Japan)
Title: The Existence of “Things” and the Eternity of “Site”
Art works by Kishio Suga
Design by Takuma Hayashi
Texts by Kishio Suga, Akira Tatehata (President, Tama Art University) and Mayumi Hamabuchi (Curator, Iwate Museum of Art)
Price: 2400 yen (excl. VAT)
Size: 257 x 188 mm / 148 pages / Softcover
Languages: Japanese / English
ISBN978-4-908062-39-1 C0070
December 2021
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