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内藤 礼
1961年広島県生まれ。美術家。主な個展に、1997年「地上にひとつの場所を」(第47 回ヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレ日本館)、2009 年「すべて動物は、世界の内にちょうど水の中に水があるように存在している」(神奈川県立近代美術館 鎌倉)、2014年「信の感情」(東京都庭園美術館)。パーマネント作品に、2001 年「このことを」(家プロジェクト きんざ、直島)、2010年「母型」(豊島美術館)。2011年、「ひと」の制作を開始し、東京、ニューヨーク、ベルリン、沖縄、広島で発表。
編集者・文筆家。出版社勤務を経てフランスに遊学、帰国後フリーランスとなり、翻訳、編集、執筆をおこなう。雑誌媒体をメインに活動。編著に『スマイルフード』(マガジンハウス/ 2000年)、『糸の宝石』(ラトルズ/2009 年)、『パリのすみっこ』(マガジンハウス/ 2010 年)、『きれいな心となんでもできる手』(PHP研究所/2010年)、『Japon vu de l’intérieur』(Editions de Tokyo/2011 年)等。
写真家。沖縄、奄美諸島の島々に住む10 代のポートレイト写真「シマノホホエミ」を発表後、全国の離島を撮り続ける。写真集に『シマノホホエミ』(情報センター出版局/2001年)、『島々』(リトルモア/2004年)、改訂版『シマノホホエミ』(フォイル/2008年)、『BREATHLESS』(フォイル/2012年)、『長野陽一の美味しいポートレイト』(HeHe/2014年)など。国内外で個展やグループ展を開催、国際展にも参加。
タイトル:O KU 内藤礼|地上はどんなところだったか
ISBN 978-908062-04-9 C0070
O KU Rei Naito|What Kind of Place Was the Earth?
Text: Rumiko Suzuki Photograph: Yoichi Nagano
Is the existence being on the Earth itself blessing? – Rei Naito has projected the question over her works to find an answer through her career as an artist.
Having created sacred places, Naito has now extended her view on “human”.
Where does the “human” come from and why it was born on the Earth? What is the “human” trying to see? What can be made through a trip of the “human”?
Originally shown in 2013 on a web-magazine COLOCAL for a very short period, this video work What Kind of Place Was the Earth? is a record of journey of the “human” exploring a village in Okinawa called “Oku”, for a brighter future.
Rei Naito
Born in 1961, Hiroshima. Artist. Major exhibitions include; Un luogo sulla terra (Japanese Pavilion, The 47th Venice Biennale, 1997); Tout animal est dans le monde comme de l’ eau à l’ intérieur de l’ eau (The Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura, 2009); the emotion of belief (Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum, 2014). Permanent installations include; Being Given (Kinza Art House Project on Naoshima, 2001), and Matrix (Teshima Museum of Art, 2010). She has worked and held exhibition in Tokyo, New York, Berlin, Okinawa and Hiroshima for her “human” project.
Rumiko Suzuki
Editor and Writer. After having worked at a publisher, she traveled and studied in France. Currently she is working as translator, editor, and writer on freelance basis, mainly in major magazines in Japan. Her works includes; Smile Food (Magazine House, 2000); Ito no Houseki (Rutles, 2009); Paris no Sumikko (Magazine House, 2010); Kireina Kokoro to Nandemo Dekiru Te (PHP INTERFACE, 2010); Japon vu de l’intérieur (Editions de Tokyo, 2011)
Yoichi Nagano
Photographer. Since his first publication To the Lighthouse, a series on teenagers living in Okinawa and Amami Islands in Japan, he has been photographing regional areas of Japan, especially small islands. His publication includes; To the Lighthouse (Joho Center Publishing, 2001); Sima-jima (Littlemore, 2004); To the Lighthouse (FOIL, 2008) and Breathless (FOIL, 2013); Yoichi Nagano’s OISHII Portraits (HeHe, 2014). He has held and participated in both solo and group shows, domestic and overseas.
Rei Naito : the emotion of belief
November 22 (Sat) – December 25 (Thu), 2014
Venue: Gallery 1, Annex + Main Building
* During the exhibition period, special showing of What Kind of Place Was the Earth? is scheduled in Every Saturdays (Total 7 times)
Title: O KU Rei Naito|What Kind of Place Was the Earth?
Art Work: Rei Naito
Text: Rumiko Suzuki
Photograph: Yoichi Nagano
Design: Takuma Hayashi
Price: 1,800 yen (excl. VAT)
Size: 128 × 182mm / 96 pages (with 15 works in color) / Soft Cover
*Japanese Text Only
ISBN 978-908062-04-9 C0070
November, 2014