*For the international shipping
新旧さまざまな作品を組み合わせながら、ひとつの作品として創り上げられる展覧会に沿って構成される本書には、ガンダーが制作活動の初期から持ち続けてきた関心 ── 時間、お金・価値、教育、よく見ないと見えないもの ── が俎上にあげられています。私たち誰にとっても大切なものごとの本質とは? まじめに、少しばかりのユーモアを交えて「そもそも」を考えるガンダーの世界を、頭を柔らかくして読み解いてください。そこでは、私たちの生きる今という時代のサインがそれぞれに見えてくるはずです。
野村しのぶ(東京オペラシティ アートギャラリー シニア・キュレーター)、青木淳(建築家)による論考も収録。
ライアン・ガンダー われらの時代のサイン
2022年7月16日(土)─ 9月19日(月・祝)
タイトル:ライアン・ガンダー われらの時代のサイン
執筆:ライアン・ガンダー、野村しのぶ(東京オペラシティ アートギャラリー シニア・キュレーター)、青木淳(建築家)
判型:B5判変形(257 x 188 mm)/176ページ/ソフトカバー
ISBN978-4-908062-42-1 C0070
Ryan Gander creates his artwork based on his keen observations and analysis of everyday occurrences. This is a collection of his works for the exhibition at Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, which is the first solo exhibition in Tokyo since his last exhibition at the National Museum of Art (Osaka), in 2017.
A common thread through Gander’s diverse works, which include objects, installations, paintings, photography and video, is his observation on the act of seeing.
He directs our attention to things that we normally fail to notice, things that we take for granted and things that we have forgotten about entirely, driving a multitude of questions about what we are seeing anew.
This book, which is composed along with the exhibition that combines a variety of his new and older works as a single work, lays out the themes that have fascinated the artist from early in his career — time, values (or value), education and things that get overlooked.
What is the true nature of things that are important to each and every one of us?
Gander’s world is one where we can think about the origins of things, with a touch of humor. Loosen up your mind and dive in. That way, one should start to see the signs of the age that we live in today.
In addition to the works from the exhibition, this book is full of exciting highlights such as interval drawings based on Gander’s various ideas, pictures and artwork information from his last year’s exhibition, “Collection Exhibition curated by Ryan Gander”.
The book also includes words from Shino Nomura (Senior Curator at Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery) and Jun Aoki (Architect).
The cover, which can be a B2 size poster when unfolded, features photographs of the exhibition, captured by Tomoki Imai.
Ryan Gander: The Markers of Our Time
Saturday, 16 July – Monday 19 September, 2022
Venue: Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery (3-20-2 Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo)
Title: Ryan Gander The Markers of Our Time
Texts by Ryan Gander, Shino Nomura (Curator, Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery) and Jun Aoki (Architect)
Design by Takuma Hayashi (Hayashi Takuma Design Office)
Price: 3800 yen (excl. VAT)
Size: 257 x 188 mm / 176 pages / Softcover
Languages: Japanese / English
ISBN978-4-908062-42-1 C0070
August 2022
*For the international shipping