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1992年島根県出雲市生まれ。主に画業。2011年高校卒業後、株式会社大惣に就職、惣菜調理の仕事をする。職場でPOP作りのため料理の絵を描き始める。2013年秋頃退職し、本格的に絵を描くため上阪。働きながら、絵話塾(神戸)などに通う。2015年HBファイルコンペvol. 26 副田高行特別賞、vol. 27仲條正義大賞を受賞。展覧会での作品発表をはじめ、書籍『まずはこれ食べて』(原田ひ香、双葉文庫)、『味なメニュー』(平松洋子、新潮文庫)、『ウマし』(伊藤比呂美、中公文庫)の装画や、雑誌「Hanako」「山と渓谷」「暮しの手帖」「dancyu」で挿絵、他に食品のパッケージイラストなどを手掛ける。絵本に『おべんとう なにいれよう?』(ぺぱぷんたすBOOK)『おなかがへった』(WAVE出版)『えきべんとふうけい』(あかね書房)がある。好きな食べ物は卵。神戸市在住。
定価:本体2,300 円(税別)
判型:B6判変形(182 × 112 mm)/112ページ/並製・角丸
ISBN978-4-908062-55-1 C0071
New Release
Author of Onaka ga hetta [I’m Hungry] and Ekiben to fukei [Train Lunches and Sceneries], Mame Ikeda is a talented illustrator and painter who focuses on creating picture books, illustrations for books, magazines, and food packaging.
Her latest publication Savor is a long-awaited revised and reprinted edition of her food diary, which is her lifework, showcasing her dynamic brush strokes that convey the joy and craving of eating. The picture diary includes her written observations and impressions — she adds shop cards and packaging labels to some pages too.
The book is bound in a way that directly incorporates the diary’s contents — full of memories, places and times — into the book format. While the diary is a personal record of daily life, it also serves as a guide for readers to the best food recommendations that one would get from a close friend — brimming with comfort and delight.
Swiss Rolls
I strongly feel that Swiss Rolls are all about the hiragana character “の” [no].
When you make coffee, you would pour water over the coffee in a way that resembles writing the character “の”.
To tie a bag that’s easy to untie, just tie it like the character “の”.
There is something remarkable about this character — I suddenly fell in love with it.
—Excerpt from the book
Mame Ikeda
Born in 1992 in Izumo, Shimane Prefecture, Mame Ikeda focuses mainly on painting and drawing. After graduating from high school in 2011, she worked as a delicatessen cook at Daiso Co., Ltd. And started drawing pictures of food for displays at work. She left the company and moved to Osaka in 2013 to become a serious painter, taking classes at Kaiwajuku (Kobe) while working. She won the Takayuki Soeda Special Award at volume 26 of the HB File Competition in 2015, and the Masayoshi Nakajo Special Award at volume 27 of the HB File Competition in 2016. Mame Ikeda concentrates on painting and drawing book covers and illustrations for books and magazines, as well as presenting her work in exhibitions. Her picture books include Onaka ga hetta [I’m Hungry] (Wave Publishers Co., Ltd.) and Ekiben to fukei [Train Lunches and Sceneries] (Akane Shobo Publishing Co., Ltd.). Mame Ikeda currently lives in Kobe and her favorite food is eggs.
Title: Savor
Artworks by Mame Ikeda
Design by Kentaro Nakamura
Price: 2,300 yen (excl. VAT)
Size: 182 × 112 mm / 112 pages / Softcover
Language: Japanese/ Partially English
ISBN978-4-908062-55-1 C0071
November 2023