*for the international shipping
今津景 Kei Imazu
1980年山口県生まれ。インドネシアのバンドン在住。2007年に多摩美術大学大学院美術研究科を修了。2009年「VOCA2009」佳作賞、2013 年絹谷幸二賞奨励賞を受賞。国内では、「六本木クロッシング2019展:つないでみる」(森美術館)や、「あいちトリエンナーレ2019」などの展覧会に参加。2020年フランスの「Prix Jean François Prat」ファイナリストに選出され、2022年には「ドクメンタ15」に参加。2024年には、「チャンウォン・ビエンナーレ」(韓国)、バンコク・ビエンナーレ(タイ)に参加するなど、国内外で大きな注目を集め、精力的に活動を行っている。
今津景 タナ・アイル
会期:2025年1月11日(土)– 3月23日(日)
会場:東京オペラシティ アートギャラリー
タイトル:今津景 タナ・アイル
執筆:今津景、瀧上華(東京オペラシティ アートギャラリー キュレーター)、カルロス・キホン・ジュニア(キュレーター)
ISBN978-4-908062-63-6 C0070
誤 P12
正 P13
This catalogue is the first collection of works from Kei Imazu’s first major solo exhibition, which has received great acclaim since its opening.
Imazu uses oil on canvas to create works based on her rough sketches, which are composed of images taken from the Internet and digital archives and manipulated with computer applications to create a collage-like, multi-layered effect with digital traces.
Since Imazu began working and living in Bandung, Indonesia in 2017, she has cultivated works that universality and dynamism coexist, based on her field research on urban development and environmental pollution in Indonesia — she not only directly expresses current issues but also connects various archival images on the canvas, exploring multiple timelines of history, mythology, and the evolution and extinction of living organisms.
The exhibition, titled “Tanah Air”, is derived from the Indonesian words “Tanah” for earth, and “Air” for water, which together mean homeland. Imazu’s works, based on her experiences and thoughts in both Indonesia, where she currently lives, and Japan, where she has her roots, will surely allow us to reflect on where we stand — the place and time in which we live.
This publication is a valuable catalogue to relive and archive the exhibition, which is organized around five themes based on her recent work and features mainly installation photographs of the exhibition taken by photographer Keizo Kioku.
The photo pages are in sealed pages, giving the book a light yet edgy feel.
Kei Imazu
Imazu was born in 1980 in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan, and currently lives and works in Bandung, Indonesia. After graduating from the Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tama Art University in 2007, she received the Prize for Excellence at VOCA in 2009 and the Koji Kinutani Encouragement Award in 2013. She has gained significant recognition and has been actively exhibiting her work both in Japan and internationally. She participated in “Roppongi Crossing 2019: Connexions” at the Mori Art Museum and the Aichi Triennale 2019 in Japan. She was selected as a finalist for the Prix Jean François Prat in France in 2020 and participated in Documenta 15 in 2022. In 2024, she participated in the Changwon Sculpture Biennale in South Korea and the Bangkok Art Biennale in Thailand.
kei Imazu: Tanah Air
Dates: January 11 – March 23, 2025
Venue: Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery (3-20-2 Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo)
Title: kei Imazu: Tanah Air
Texts by Kei Imazu, Hana Takigami (Curator, Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery) and Carlos Quijon, Jr. (Curator)
Installation photographs by Keizo Kioku
Design by Natsuko Yoneyama
Price: 3,500 yen (excl. VAT)
Size: 220×297 mm / 176 pages (Photographs in sealed pages) / Softcover
Languages: Japanese / English
ISBN978-4-908062-63-6 C0070
published in February 2025
*We sincerely apologize to our readers and the involved parties for the following error page number in p. 13:
error P12
correct P13
*for the international shipping