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さわ ひらき「Under the Box, Beyond the Bounds」
2014年1月18日(土) – 3月30日(日)
東京オペラシティ アートギャラリー
「さわ ひらき」
2014年2月12日(水) – 4月26日(土)
さわ ひらき
1977年石川県生まれ。2003年ロンドン大学スレード校美術学部彫刻科修士課程修了。2002年East Interntional Awardを受賞した《Dwelling》が高い評価を受け、以降多くの個展、グループ展に参加。近年の主な個展に、2013年「Lenticular」 (ダンディー・コンテンポラリー・アーツ)、2012年「Whirl」(神奈川県民ホールギャラリー)、「Lineament」(資生堂ギャラリー)など。グループ展では、2013年「第12回リヨン・ビエンナーレ」、2011年「成都ビエンナーレ」、2009年「出発―6人のアーティストによる旅」(東京都写真美術館ほか5カ所に巡回)などに参加。現在ロンドン在住。
タイトル:Under the Box, Beyond the Bounds
著者:さわ ひらき
翻訳:野村しのぶ(東京オペラシティ アートギャラリー)
判型:A5判 ハードカバー(クロス貼り+箔押し)/128ページ+小冊子16ページ
ISBN978-4-902943-86-3 C0070
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Hiraki Sawa|Under the Box, Beyond the Bounds
Starting from his early work Dwelling (2002), in which miniature airplanes fly around through everyday objects in an ordinary apartment, to one of the latest work Lineament (2012), beautiful, film noir-like work featuring amnesia man, Sawa’s works have been presented at both solo and group shows all over the world. His quiet, far unrealistic yet somehow familiar spectacles stimulate our old memories recalling nostalgia, and have fascinated the viewers.
This book is mainly composed of Sawa’s latest works, which were first shown during his solo show at Dundee Contemporary Arts in Scotland last year. One of the works, Lenticular (2013), exploring train of the Planet through figures of self-taught astronomer, filmed at an old observatory in Dundee, is shown in this book together with its installation view of dome shaped and rectangle channels to feature its sculptural presence, while Aurora (2013) is enhanced the work’s rather powerful charms by showing images in various sizes. Souvenir (2012), a work created during his trip across America, has re-born in this book like a travel journal with newly added Sawa’s hand written texts. In addition, drawings made for his upcoming solo show at Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery are included in this book as a separate booklet, which makes you feel as if we are looking at secret sketch book full of Sawa’s ideas for a new work. Complete video works from 2002 to 2013 are also presented in the last part of this book, with which, we would be overwhelmed by knowing how consistently Sawa’s world view has been carried out throughout all his works.
“Important thing is, not to describe the stars we actually see, but to portray ourselves looking at the sky and thinking about the stars,” says Sawa. Harmoniously merging territory and the boundary – this book will lead you to new way of experiencing Sawa’s work.
Saturday, 18 January – Sunday, 30 March, 2014
Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Wednesday, 12 February – Saturday, 26 April, 2014
Ota Fine Arts, Tokyo, Japan
Hiraki Sawa
Born in Ishikawa, in 1977. Completed MFA Sculpture, Slade School of Fine Art, University College London in 2003. Since 2002 work Dwelling, which was awarded East International Award he is internationally acclaimed video artists. His latest solo exhibitions include; 2013 “Letincular,” Dundee Contemporary Arts, ,Dundee, UK; 2012 “Whirl,” Kanagawa Prefectural Gallery, Yokohama, Japan “Lineament,” Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo. His group exhibitions include; 2013 “12e Biennale de Lyon,”; 2011 “Chengdu Biennale,”; 2009 “Voyages – Regards de photographes japonais sur le monde,” (toured 5 places world-wide, including at Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo).
Title: Under the Box, Beyond the Bounds
Artist: Hiraki Sawa
Designer: Kazuya Kondo
Price: 3000 yen (excl. tax)
Size: 216×155 mm
Hard Cover (cloth over board with embossing) / 128 pages plus 16 pages booklet
ISBN978-4-902943-86-3 C0070
January, 2014
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