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2016年2月にタッシェンより発売された集大成ともいえる書籍『Issey Miyake 三宅一生』(北村みどり企画・責任編集)に収録された小池一子のエッセイ8章に、書き下ろしの第9章を加え、新たな読み物として一冊に。
各章には、横尾忠則が1977年から1999年までの間で手がけたイッセイ ミヤケ パリ・コレクションの招待状から、約30点をカラー図版で掲載。
三宅 一生(みやけ・いっせい) デザイナー
小池一子(こいけ・かづこ) クリエイティブ・ディレクター/十和田市現代美術館館長
1936年東京生まれ。早稲田大学文学部卒業。1980年の「無印良品」の創設に携わり、以来アドバイザリーボードを務める。また「現代衣服の源流展」(1975年、京都国立近代美術館)、ヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレ建築展 日本館「少女都市」(2000年)、「田中一光とデザインの前後左右」(2012年、21_21デザインサイト)などの展覧会の企画、ディレクションを行なう。83年に日本初のオルタナティブ・スペース「佐賀町エキジビット・スペース」を創設・主宰し、多くの現代美術作家を国内外に紹介した(~2000年)。編著書に『三宅一生の発想と展開』(平凡社、1978年)をはじめ多数。武蔵野美術大学名誉教授。
小池一子 × 浅葉克己 × 北村みどり
12月13日(水) 19:00-20:30(開場:18:30)
『イッセイさんはどこから来たの? 三宅一生の人と仕事』発売記念展
会期:2018年6月26日(火)─ 7月1日(日)13:00 – 20:00
東京都中央区銀座 1-28-15 鈴木ビル
タイトル:イッセイさんはどこから来たの? 三宅一生の人と仕事
翻訳:木幡和枝 他
定価: 3,200円(税別)
ISBN978-4-908062-20-9 C0070
With his distinctive ideas and innovative way of making things, designer Issey Miyake has been challenging the concept of clothing consistently through his creative exploration. From TASCHEN’s ultimate monograph Issey Miyake (first published in February 2016, concept and editorial direction by Midori Kitamura), this new book recompiles 8 chapters of Kazuko Koike’s essays and an extended, newly-written final chapter.
In this book, essays by Koike, who has been known Miyake since school days and has observed Miyake’s activities since then, wittily describes Miyake’s outstanding achievements and creations in the context of the time background. Written from Koike’s unique point of view as a creator herself underpinning creative culture of the same generation, this can be enjoyed as an interesting documentary of the times.
To mention other special features of this book, around 30 artworks by Tadanori Yokoo, originally used for Issey Miyake’s invitations cards for Paris Collection during the years from 1977 to 1999, are introduced in each chapter. The combination of the stately sense of vertical Japanese typesetting using letterpress printing and sophisticated atmosphere in horizontal English typesetting; virtuosic skills of the graphic designer, Katsumi Asaba further adorn the book with perfection.
Issey Miyake
Born in Hiroshima in 1938. Graduated from Tama Art University. Established Miyake Design Studio in 1970. Began participating in the Paris Collections in 1973. From the very beginning of his career as a clothing designer, he has worked on creative endeavors that examine the relationship between the body and cloth, based upon the concept of “A Piece of Cloth”. To this day, he consistently maintains the stance of making things free from preconceived notions and through a process of tenacious research and experimentation.
Creative director / Director, Towada Art Center
Born in Tokyo in 1936. Graduated from the School of Arts, Letters and Sciences, Waseda University. Involved in the startup of MUJI in 1980 and continues to serve on its advisory board. Provided planning and direction for numerous exhibitions, including Gendai Ifuku no Genryu Ten – Inventive Clothes: 1909 –1939 (1975, National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto), Shojo Toshi at the Japanese Pavilion in the Biennale di Venezia Architettura (2000), and Ikko Tanaka and Future/ Past/East/West of Design (2012, 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT). In 1983, developed and led the Sagacho Exhibit Space as the first alternative space in Japan and was instrumental in introducing many notable contemporary Japanese and international artists (continued to 2000). Editor of numerous volumes, including Issey Miyake East Meets West (Heibonsha Limited, 1978). Professor emeritus, Musashino Art University.
Frontispiece: Issey Miyake’s invitations cards for Paris Collection by Tadanori Yokoo (1977 to 1999)
Title: Where Did Issey Come From? The Work of Issey Miyake
Concept: Midori Kitamura
Texts: Kazuko Koike
Book Design: Katsumi Asaba
Art works: Tadanori Yokoo
Translation: Kazue Kobata (Japanese to English)
Price: 3,200 yen (excl. VAT)
Size: 182 x 257 mm / 206 pages / Hard Cover
Cover Design: Clothbound with Foil Stamping, Japanese Front Cover and English Back Cover
Art works: 29 pictures
Text: Japanese(Letterpress printing) / English
ISBN978-4-908062-20-9 C0070
December, 2017
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