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マーク・マンダース(Mark Manders)
1986年より「建物としての自画像」と称した独自のコンセプトを展開。その想像の部屋に置かれる彫刻やオブジェを制作し、一連のインスタレーションとして発表している。また、1998年にはロジャー・ヴィレムスらとともに出版社「ローマ・パブリケーションズ」の設立に関わり、自身のアーティストブックや展覧会カタログをはじめ、他のアーティストの書籍も多く手掛ける。作家の代表作である架空の新聞もこの出版社で制作されている。展覧会としては、これまで、サンパウロ・ビエンナーレ(1998年)、ドクメンタ11(2002年)、ヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレ(2013年)など多くの国際展に参加。個展として、2008年から2009年にわたるヨーロッパ巡回展、2011年のアメリカ巡回展など多数。2020年にはオランダのボンネファンテン美術館で大規模な個展が開催。近年は、パブリック・アート・ファンド・プログラム(2019年、セントラル・パーク、ニューヨーク、アメリカ)、ローキンスクエア(2017年、アムステルダム、オランダ)で大規模な屋外彫刻を手掛けている。日本での主な展示として《東京 ニュースぺーパー》を含む「テリトリー オランダの現代美術」オペラシティ・アートギャラリー(2000年、東京)、「あいちトリエンナーレ」(2016年、愛知)、「ミヒャエル・ボレマンス マーク・マンダース ダブル・サイレンス」金沢 21 世紀美術館(2020年、石川)がある。
会場:東京都現代美術館 (東京都江東区三好4-1-1 木場公園内)
判型:B5判変形(255 x 180 mm) /216ページ/ソフトカバー
ISBN978-4-908062-36-0 C0070
Mark Manders is an artist who has gained international acclaim for his installations that employ sculptures, texts and objects. This publication is the artist’s first compilation of works to be published in Japan in correspondence to his first solo exhibition at a Japanese art museum.
In line with the concept of “Self-Portrait as a Building,” Manders produces sculptures, texts, and objects that are to be placed in the rooms of this building, presenting them as installations. His practice continues to be informed by this extremely large and unique framework in which the self-portrait of the imaginary artist “Mark Manders,” who he named after himself, is constructed through numerous individuals works.
This publication, which also doubles as a catalogue for the exhibition, features installation views spanning over 1000 square-meters photographed by Tomoki Imai, including works previously exhibited at the Venice Biennale that are introduced for the first time in Japan, and representative works that have always been presented in the artist’s key solo exhibitions. In the following chapter, a total of 26 works, including 20 that have not been included in the exhibition, are explained through a series of images and texts written by Manders himself. Also featuring other artist texts, “The Absence of Mark Manders” and “On Drawings” along with photographs of his studio, it is a valuable monograph that offers insight into both the life and work of Mark Manders.
In addition, a newly written text by art Midori Matsui (art critic), an essay by Douglas Fogle (curator) featured in a catalogue published by the Bonnefantenmuseum (Maastricht, the Netherlands), and a written discussion by Yoshimi Chinzei (Curator, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo) who was in charge of organizing this exhibition, explain the charm and meaning of Manders’ work from various different perspectives.
Mark Manders
Born in 1968 in Volkel, the Netherlands, and currently lives and works in Ronse, Belgium. Studied design at the Arnhem Academy of Art and Design from 1988 to 1992. Since 1986, his works have been based on his “Self-Portrait as a Building” concept. Creating sculptures and objects to be placed in the rooms of this imaginary building, he presents his works as a series of installations. In 1988, he collaborated with Roger Willems to launch Roma Publications. In addition to Manders’ artist books and exhibition catalogues, this publishing company produces books for other artists, and makes the notional newspapers that are one of Manders’ representative works. He has participated in many international art festivals, including the São Paulo Biennale (1998), Documenta 11 (2002) and the Venice Biennale (2013). Solo exhibitions include an exhibition that toured Europe from 2008 to 2009, an American tour in 2011, and, more recently, an extensive retrospective at the Bonnefantenmuseum in the Netherlands (2020). He has also produced monumental outdoor sculptures for the Public Art Fund (2019, Central Park, New York, USA) and Rokin Square (2017, Amsterdam, the Netherlands). His main exhibitions in Japan have been the inclusion of Tokyo Newspaper in “Territory: Contemporary art from the Netherlands” at Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery (2000), participation in the Aichi Triennale (2016), and “MICHAËL BORREMANS MARK MANDERS: Double Silence” at the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa (2020).
The Absence of Mark Manders
Saturday, 20 March – Sunday, 20 June 2021
Venue: Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (4-1-1 Miyoshi, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0022 Japan)
Title: The Absence of Mark Manders
Art works by Mark Manders
Design by Yuri Suyama
Photographs by Tomoki Imai
Texts by Mark Manders, Midori Matsui (Art Critic), Douglas Fogle (Independent Curator) and Yoshimi Chinzei (Curator, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo)
Translated by Tetsuo Kinoshita etc.
Price: 3500 yen (excl. VAT)
Size: 255 x 180 mm / 216 pages / Softcover
Languages: Japanese / English
ISBN978-4-908062-36-0 C0070
May 2021